Okay, ya’ll! We need to talk. We have a serious situation on our hands and I’d like to be the one to address it. I say this with LOVE. Your dating profile photos need some help. Like FOR REAL!
Here is the thing… I know that some of us (younger than me obviously) have grown up in a time where dating apps are their “normal”. Its like riding a bike. They are from a different generation than me. Maybe its more familiar to them. I don’t know…but regardless, I am talking to you. The one who has been out of the dating game for awhile. Maybe you’re divorced. Perhaps you were in a bad relationship for far too long. Possibly you were focusing on other things like your career.
But here you are. You find yourself wanting to find a real connection. You’ve heard about these “apps”. How people “use” them. That they are only for “hook ups” and casual dating. But you guys, stop with these limiting thoughts! These apps are whatever you make of them! And let me tell you, you CAN use them to find your special someone. To find LOVE. I promise you, I speak from experience. And it all starts with your dating profile photos!
I was married for almost 7 years. Dated for 5 years before that. “Out of the game” for twelve years. TWELVE YEARS! That is a LONG ASS time! I don’t even think there WERE dating apps when I was dating. And if there were, I had never used them. Actually, it was probably a year and a half AFTER I got divorced that I even started to consider dating again. So now we are talking about 13 years! I can hardly even believe it as I type it out.
Starting over
How do you start dating again? Mom of 2 boys, no idea even how to date casually, and a career to balance. But if you want to meet someone you have to put yourself out there. Yes, we all probably start out by saying “I just want it to be organic and natural” “we will meet in a cafe” “why couldn’t we just bump into each other at the grocery store”. And those dreams are fine and dandy, but the chances of that happening are probably pretty slim. So I think “organically” we start to consider the possibility of online dating. And it is a strange thing when you start to really consider it.
If you’re like me, you start off saying you want to do something that has scientific match making algorithms to help you find someone you are actually compatible with. These services are usually NOT free and so you sign up and start building a profile and yada yada. Honestly, I’m bored even thinking about it. But you know what I get excited about? The OTHER online dating apps. Free ones. Ones that you can literally swipe through hundreds of potential romantic partners a day.
And listen, this is a process. It takes time to figure out how to use these to find the right type of person or relationship with online dating. To decide who is worthy of YOUR time. Also, it takes time to realize that you should even be THINKING of it that way! YES!!! You need to be PICKY about who you are giving YOUR precious time to! Because you are WORTHY of someone who isn’t going to waste it. Unless of course that’s what you want because don’t worry, you can find that too LOL.
Let’s talk about the apps…
Now back to the apps. The initial matching process in every single one of these apps is based PURELY on looks. That’s right…your dating profile pictures! Which honestly is NOT a bad thing. I do think it is important that there be an initial physical attraction. But that is what this post is all about.
So many people are missing out on potential matches purely because they need a little help in the profile department. Don’t get me wrong, some of you have it figured out and your dating profile photos are good enough. But lots of you need some help. You need to be thinking of yourself as a product and you need to market the shit out of yourself! Why are you posting these pictures on an app where your FIRST IMPRESSION needs to be a stellar profile picture!?
I met my boyfriend on an online dating app almost 3 years ago. And while I don’t think my pictures were amazing in any way. But I also am a photographer so I put effort and thought into the types of pictures I put in my profile. I wanted them to tell a story about the kind of person I am, while also trying to make them somewhat cute 😉
Ultimately, not everyone has the same “eye” as me. And that is what I want to help you with. I really actually want to HELP you find LOVE (if that’s what you’re looking for). I think I can help you with your dating profile photos. No, I KNOW I can help you with your dating profile photos!
The Product – dating profile photos
So this is the NEWEST product I’m offering. Dating profile sessions. They will be awesome and fun and laid back and more of a documentary style session. We will talk and laugh and swap stories. And you’ll get images that will stand out in your profile; “right swipe” worthy pictures. I am all about using my super power (photography) to empower and help others and this is a department that I have experience in.
What do you say? Isn’t it time you invested in YOU???
Oh, and if you aren’t looking for love, just hookups, no judgement. I can help you with those too LOL
Want to see some of the pics from my dating profile sessions? Check them out here!