When I ran a model call for a newborn photography sessionI was only going to book 1 model, but oops! I wound up booking 2! LOL, no seriously though. I love newborn photography so much that I decided what the heck!? Let’s do 2! Vada was a tiny little adorable peanut. And as luck would have it, she wasn’t thrilled about modeling either. LOL. But that doesn’t bother me. I know that I will always win HAHA!
As a newborn photographer and an ARTIST, I want to capture and create beautiful art with your babies just as much as you want that! This is part of why newborn sessions are scheduled with a 3 hour timeframe. Babies are gonna “baby”! They get hungry, they need diaper changes. And sometimes they just need a little TLC. I plan for these things!
I’ve been doing newborn photography for 10+ years and I still am head over heels for it! And you know what else I’m head over heels for? Little girls in BLUE! I mean, just look at this little SQUISH! Thank you so much Jen and Vada for volunteering your time to help me perfect my craft even further. You ROCK!