Tag Archives: first birthday

Birthday Photos | Cake Smash Photography | Scotch Plains, NJ

cake smash photography nj

Little Warrior!

What a special day having Ari back to The Studio for her Birthday Photos! This little beauty has come such a long way in her short little life (and so have her parents)!

Ari’s mom came to me looking for a photographer to take Newborn photos of her baby girl who I believe was already close to 3 months old. Alot of photographers won’t shoot a Newborn after they reach 2 weeks old. And there is nothing wrong with that. It isn’t personal. They just may not feel like they will be able to get those beautiful sleepy, cuddly, newborn shots after that small window.

I said YES for the Birthday Girl!

You see, Ari spent the first couple of months in the hospital because she was born early. Regardless, I will never turn down a newborn because of their age. I know that I can get at least some of those shots. I will set realistic expectations and then if it goes great, even better! You can see more of Ari’s newborn session here.

Ari’s mom had a Little Mermaid theme in mind for her Birthday Photos. And while I don’t normally do themed cake smashes (I like to keep it simple), I couldn’t say no! I mean…The Little Mermaid’s name is ARIEL!! ARI – ARIEL…get it?? It took me a minute but then I put it together LOL. So that’s what we did! But I include parent poses and birthday portraits in addition to the cake portion so we actually got alot of variety of this little peanut! And Ari’s parents got the most BEAUTIFUL velvet album to display them in. Something they will be able to look through with Ari for years and eventually be able to hand down to her. I am a SUCKER for beautiful albums!!

Here are some of the images we captured of Baby Ari with those big beautiful eyes <3

How can I book?

If you are interested in scheduling a cake smash or first birthday portraits, fill out the form on the bottom of this page.

Cake Smash Photography | Westfield, NJ

Let them eat CAKE!

I was so happy to have Natalie back in The Studio for her First Birthday session! I do not get tired of seeing how “my” babies have grown over the course of a year. Especially when they haven’t been in since their newborn session! It is so fun to see the similarities to when they were babies, but also to see the changes that have happened since then! I genuinely LOVE it!

I also LOVE getting to see the parents and talk to them about the year and how much has happened and how THEY’VE GROWN! It’s especially fun when this is their first baby and they go from being brand new to the whole parenting thing to having a year of experience under their belts. You can see photos from Natalie’s Newborn Session here.

If it doesn’t come through in my writing on this page, I REALLY LOVE what I do! And I REALLY LOVE the families that choose me to capture the most important times in their lives. It’s really an honor and I am so grateful <3

We started Natalie’s Birthday Session with family pictures, then took some portraits of just Natalie and then we went to town on that cake!

Thank You

Thank you so much Kathryn and Eric for trusting me with these special moments and the opportunity to watch your beautiful baby as she grows! THOSE EYES!!!

joan marie

Scotch Plains, NJ 07076

908.312.1788 | info@joanmariephotography.com