Tag Archives: nj dating

NJ Dating Profile Photographer | Westfield, NJ | Andrei

I recently had the pleasure of meeting up with Andrei to take pictures for his dating profile. We had a blast! He is genuine, kind and confident. The first thing I noticed about him was his height! He is TALL! I think one of the first things I said was, “Dang! I should have brought a step stool!”. The next thing I noticed was his accent. Although he has lived in the US for a long time, he still has a slight, but distinct, accent from Romania. Gotta love an accent, am I right?

Before my dating profile sessions I send out a questionnaire that helps me get to know my clients. I have to admit that I think it might be a little lengthy right now, but Andrei had no problem entertaining me by filling it out. I consider myself a bit of an empath and I am intuitive by nature. I honestly feel that when I read the answers to these questions I get to know each individual at a deeper level and this helps guide me through our session.

When I read Andrei’s answers to the questionnaire I was moved; he knows what he wants and what is important to him. I even got the chills when he mentioned that he recently asked for something and The Universe listened! I love that so much because I do believe that when you ask for something the Universe does listen. One of my favorite quotes comes from Paolo Coelho’s book “The Alchemist”. It reads, “And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you achieve it”. Andrei is a Spiritual person who likes meditation and exercise. He is also goal oriented and is on the path to fulfilling those goals!

For Andrei, the 3 most important things he is looking for in a partner is

  1. Kindness towards others
  2. Goal Oriented
  3. Open Minded

Andrei is looking forward to scheduling another shoot with me, but honestly? I’m pretty sure that he is going to meet that special someone really soon and won’t be needing my services come Summertime. He is living his life in alignment, knows what he wants, is spiritual and he understands that when you ask the Universe for what you want, you usually get it. 😉

Here are some shots from our session in Westfield, NJ.

NJ Dating Profile Photographer | Cranford, NJ| Elena

It was an absolute pleasure meeting up with Elena to take some pics for her to use for her online dating profile! We met at a local coffee shop where we were able to relax into our session, sipping on coffee and discussing the online dating scene. During our initial consult we started talking about how there is so much to know and be aware of and LEARN as you go through the experience that is online dating. Because, listen people, it IS an experience. It is a process. It can take TIME. So we talked about our experiences with the online dating apps. We talked about things we didn’t know, things we wished we DID know and things that we would want to tell other people who are new to the online dating scene.

When did you start online dating?

About 3 weeks ago.

Which app do you prefer to use?


What was the most surprising thing for you about the online dating world?

Something called “catfishing”. I had no idea what that was. It is when someone pretends to be someone they aren’t.

What do you want to see in a potential partner’s profile?

I want to see pictures that match the person’s profile description. Their profession, hobbies, activities, interests. If you say you are a real estate agent by day and a woodworker by night I want to see that. You like concerts? I want to see you at one!

What is your biggest turnoff?

Lack of conversation, texting. It is important to have that initial attraction, but communication should flow naturally. And if that’s not there, it’s a red flag, and you shouldn’t ignore it just because you feel a physical attraction.

Do you have any warnings for people who are new to the online dating experience?

Be patient. It’s okay to follow your instincts and decline matches. Don’t compromise on your deal breakers and know what your deal breakers are!

Do you have any deal breakers?

Yes. If someone is looking to have kids or drinks too much. Those are my deal breakers. I have 2 kids and I don’t want to have more.

What is your ideal first date?

Maybe go to a cafe so you can talk and be in a public place. And if things are going well and the conversation is flowing, maybe continue on to have dinner together.

Do you have any advice to share?

Sometimes people share too much too soon. You don’t have to unload all of your “baggage” on the first date. Be casual and carefree and enjoy the experience. If you start talking about being exclusive then you can have more in depth conversations about it.

We both have kids. What are your thoughts on dating and children?

Conventional won’t always work and social norms won’t always match YOUR norm and that is OK! I do think that people who have kids may better understand the complexities and demands of being a single parent. You should also have a waiting period before you start introducing the kids to the person you are dating.

Elena is an awesome single momma who is totally rocking it for her kids. She has a career and is health focused and understands the importance of self care and self love. She is a woman who is confident in her power, her beauty and her grace. She has put in the work. I can’t wait to meet the lucky guy that gets to date Elena because this is a woman who knows her worth and if she thinks you’re worthy of her time, you must be a pretty incredible guy!

Here are some of my favorite pics from our shoot. She is smart, sexy, sarcastic and totally ADORABLE!

joan marie

Scotch Plains, NJ 07076

908.312.1788 | info@joanmariephotography.com