As mentioned in my previous post, I have been following the Keto diet since around September. HUGE lifestyle change. I love carbs. But I know that my body just can’t have unlimited breads, pastas, rice. I can’t go to Dairy Queen once a week for a freakin’ awesome peanut butter cup blizzard. So what’s a girl to do? Well I will tell you…
Make your own Keto Peanut Butter Squares. These things have been a lifesaver! I look forward to this special treat at the end of the day. And now I can even combine it with Rebel’s Keto ice-cream! Thank the heavens for these simple little treats that make me feel like I’m not totally missing out! So if you are thinking about, or following, the Keto diet, I HIGHLY recommend this recipe. I double it and just keep them in my freezer and they last me awhile! Here is the link and some pics of the batch I made last night…delish!