Hi there!
First of all…I am so happy to have you here! I mean it!
My name is Joan Marie and I am obsessed with photography. Maybe not so much photography, but the practice of documenting everything! From the really big moments to the seemingly mundane. I find the magic in everything that I do and that carries into the way (and the what) I photograph. I’m a momma to two boys who are not so little anymore. I call Fanwood, NJ home, but I really believe that home isn’t so much a place as it is a feeling. Sometimes it’s a memory. Sometimes it’s a person. And oftentimes it is the moment, the place, the person that I am photographing with my camera. A photograph has the ability to take you back there, to home.
I find connection in people and their lives, their professions, their love, their babies and pets. And it is through that connection that I find my inspiration and power to photograph what my heart sees. I am love. And that is why I do what I do. I can’t wait to share that with you!

Fine Art Newborn Photography & Portrait Photography
Joan Marie is a newborn & portrait photographer serving the Tri-State area. Joan’s private photography studio is located in downtown Scotch Plains in Union County, NJ. All sessions are custom curated and designed by Joan Marie and include the use of her props, backdrops, outfits and accessories.
Whether you have a new addition to the family or are seeing your High Schooler off to college, Joan Marie can help you freeze time with the images she captures. Giving you the most beautiful artwork and products for you to treasure for years to come.
What we offer…
What people are saying about Joan Marie Photography
Who`s your Valentine this year?
#valentine #njnewbornphotographer #newborn #newbornphotography #babies

I couldn`t NOT get a portrait of my OWN baby boy with my Valentine`s Day setup!
My poor baby was diagnosed with a rare Autoimmune Disease this summer. It`s called SLO (Symmetrical lupoid onychodystrophy). SLO is a painful condition that affects a dog`s toenails. It`s also known as lupoid onychodystrophy or onychitis.
Dogs with SLO`s nails become brittle, dry, and cracked. Their body starts rejecting their nails and they split or fall off. It is very painful for them and they require medication. Medication that is costing me a fortune monthly! I am hoping to be able to start weaning him off one of the medications (of course not the very expensive one) by the end of the month.
Because he`s on all of these medications, he is susceptible to secondary issues like a skin infection he had in the fall and another infection in his paw that we were afraid was going to end up with having to amputate one of his toes 😭. Since this diagnosis, I feel like his coat has been changing. The winter shed was WILD and like nothing I have ever seen. I legit thought he was going bald. But now he just seems to have less vibrant color. I don`t know if that`s seasonal, or a result of his disease or maybe the medications. But ughhhhh, my poor baby!
#SLO #symmetricallupoidonychodystrophy #canineautoimmunedisease #mybaby

Look at these beautiful girlies!!!
Why do I love what I do? Is it taking the photos? Maybe that i am always learning and trying to get better and better? Is it that i get to play on my computer and edit my art to turn my vision into reality? Is it that I get to be around babies, doggies or just humans that I may not have otherwise ever met? Is it the sharing of stories and experiences, also learning from my fellow man? Could it be the set designing? Maybe it`s the adorable little outfits and props? Getting people photos that will help them land that new job or meet the love of their life? Empowering women with the art of Boudoir so they can see the beauty that they forgot they encompass? Perhaps it`s being a memory catcher to hold onto the moments and ages and years that are passing by and slipping out of our hands.
The answer is, it`s all of those things. It`s the marrying of all the things I love. I don`t take this responsibility lightly. I do this because I am head over heels in love with this career and the joy it gives me is impossible to describe.
Thank you to everyone who trusts me and allows me to capture the things that are so important to you. Because honestly, it`s just as important to me 🥰🩷❤️