Tag Archives: nj family photographer

NJ Family Photographer | Chatham, NJ

A few weeks ago I had the privilege of photographing this wonderful extended family in Chatham. This was a referral from one of my Clients who I not only have been able to photograph in the past, but also someone who I have called “friend” for close to 30 years! I know, I can’t believe I’m that old either LOL! And I have to take a minute to say that I am so grateful for these friends and for their referrals. Most of my clients find me from referrals and I wouldn’t be where I am today without you. And many of these referrals become my friends. Thank you Kim for introducing me to your friend and her beautiful family.

Nichole is momma to 3 beautiful girls. And when we started planning our shoot she mentioned how she wanted to have the session in her backyard and we were hopeful that the flowers would be in bloom and the grass would be green. Let me tell you, it did not disappoint! We had to reschedule at least once due to rain, but the sun showed up for her session. And oh boy did it show up! Her backyard was magical and so was her family!

Here are some of my favorite images from our outdoor family session.

NJ Family Photographer | The Engelsons

What a gift it is to be able to watch families grow over time. To be trusted to document them. I feel so privileged when a family chooses me, my photography, in an area so heavily saturated with photographers! Some families have their portraits taken year after year. And when they come back to me, I don’t take it for granted. I know that this is a very special thing.

This is one of those families. And I truly love them for it. I don’t ALWAYS shoot into the sun. It’s actually quite challenging, especially when it comes to the editing. And most of this session was shot that way; into direct sunlight. But I love the magical quality it has created in these images.

As a mom of 2 boys myself, I have a strong familiarity to the boy energy. After we had to reschedule our original session date due to weather, we almost had to reschedule again because the night before the youngest found himself in the ER! Lets just say he had a run-in with a trampoline and the trampoline won this one. But he was a TOTAL TROOPER! He got stitches and rallied for our photo session. He was smiling and laughing and man, was I impressed!

I love seeing the bond between brothers. Again, maybe because I love seeing it between my own boys…but I’ve realized that it’s more than that. I love connections between people…the bonds they have with their pets, with the places they love…and it is my calling to capture these connections.

So it comes down to this.

I don’t want to “take pictures”.

I don’t want to be “a photographer”.

I want to capture connections. I want to be an artist. I may not be able to take the love that I see between people, places and things and stuff it into a bottle for us to hold onto forever, but I can do the closest thing I can think of. I can capture these connections and feelings the only way I know how; through imagery – ART.

And if you’re on the search for a connection capturing artist, hit me up 😉

NJ Newborn Photographer | Madison, NJ | Fresh 48 | Caden

I have been slacking on blog posts! So, here I am, playing catch up 😉

This year I started a new journey in my Newborn Photography career. I began doing Fresh 48 sessions. Ironically, the first of these sessions was with my cousin’s new son, Caden…in FEBRUARY!

I know, I know, how could I be blogging about something that happened 8 months ago? Easy! I’m just DOING IT! HAHA! But we all know that life can get crazy and busy. And if you don’t know that, then maybe you don’t have kids yet. And when you do, maybe YOU will want to book a Fresh 48 Session with me. Who KNOWS?!?

On the morning of my hospital session with Caden we got hit with a blizzard! As much as I dislike snow (shoveling, kids getting dressed and undressed, wet boots in my house), there was something magical about this one. You know the kind of magic; new baby, the quiet snowfall, the serenity that fills the air with the new life that has just come into this world, changing everyone’s lives forever.

For me, one of the BEST parts of this session, was that my Grandma was there while I was documenting. This was her newest Great Grandchild. And I was overcome with emotion seeing the way she looked at him. She had seven kids herself. She has well over 10 grandchildren. I think this is her 8th Great Grandchild. And yet, still, the awe and wonder in her eyes shows how the miracle of life just never seems to lose its power over us. Even when you’re almost 93 <3

Some of my favorite images I’ve ever captured are from this session. They remind me that this is my life’s work and my true purpose. I feel most alive when I am photographing babies and families and these special connections and moments that are gone in the blink of an eye.

So, without further ado, here is my cousin, and my cousin, and my baby cousin (and my Grandma and my Aunt/God Mother), welcoming their newest son into this world on a cold, blizzard-y morning in February.

Stay tuned for another post from his newborn session!

NJ Family Photograper | Union County

I photographed the beautiful love and connection between multiple generations a week ago and it was nothing short of magical. Lori and her sister, Amy, both went to my high school and it was so much fun being able to reconnect and witness the love they share for Mimi and their children.

Amy has 2 GORGEOUS sons, around the same ages as mine. If you don’t have 2 boys or more…you might not understand what that can be like. But I do! In fact, Amy’s sons went to preschool with mine (an interesting fact that neither of us realized until quite a ways into the school year). And I was blown away by their personalities and ability to “hang out” and converse with me. I haven’t seen them for maybe FOUR years now and I can’t describe the joy I feel being able to see how little boys have grown.

Lori was in my graduating class (I won’t say the year ;)). And the last time I saw her was when I took newborn pictures of her little Olivia. Olivia was the tiniest little peanut when I met her and now she has grown into a beautiful little girl. Lori has since been blessed with another beautiful daughter since I last saw her and I was able to meet her during our Sunday family session. Poor little Zoe was less than thrilled that I was interrupting her nap time, but she persevered and I managed to get some adorable shots of her too.

Maybe the most touching part of my session was the reason for it. Lori and Amy gifted this session to their mom, Mimi, for a Birthday present. They wanted to document the love between their Mom and children. This, this right here people, is what makes my heart Split Open and Melt (props to you if you got this Phish reference). But in all seriousness, this is what gives me life. And I saw the love between all of them. I witnessed it for myself. And it was beautiful and heart breaking and amazing and inspiring and ALL THE THINGS. And I hope that I was able to document that for them in the images that I delivered.

At the end of our session a beautiful butterfly appeared, and all the kids new that it must be their Great Grandma letting us know that she too was a part of our special morning.

This is my purpose and I am so grateful for the people who choose me to do this work.

Thank you, Hart Girls! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

NJ Family Photographer – The Jackson Family – Fall 2018

It was a pleasure working with The Jackson Family again.  I hope that I get to do it again next year when their baby will be almost ONE!

It means the world to me when my Clients come back for their family pictures.  What a very special investment; investing in your family <3

Here are some of my favorites from their session.



joan marie

Scotch Plains, NJ 07076

908.312.1788 | info@joanmariephotography.com