Tag Archives: newborn posing

Scotch Plains | Portrait Studio | My Journey

I was contacted by Evelyn Wiseman with Subkit at the end of June asking if she could interview me about my Go Solo Story. I was recommended by another photographer that I had begun a friendship with via Facebook, Kristen Matta with Blush Baby Photography. What a complete honor!

Photography is one of those industries where you can either choose to be a competitor or a colleague/collaborator. I’ve learned this over the years. There is so much you can gain by forging friendships with others in your industry. So much more than choosing to see everyone as your competitor <3

Thank you Kristen for recommending me, for our virtual brainstorming sessions, for your help and most of all for treating me as a friend and colleague <3. It means so much! And thank you, Evelyn, for sharing our Go Solo Stories with others who are business men and women or thinking about embarking on this journey <3!

You can read my interview here. If you are local to Boston, I highly recommend reaching out to Blush Baby Photography for your photography needs. You can read Kristen’s article here.

Are you someone who has a go solo story to tell? Do you know someone who is killing it and you admire for going solo? You can fill out your own interview story here or send the link to someone who has a story to share with others.


This sweet family of 4 came to have Ava’s photos taken last Sunday.  Big sister, Ashley, was such a little doll.  She was a cutie, she was silly and she loves “Baby Shark” and Face-timing! LOL! She is 2 and a half and I can tell that she is going to be such a help to mom and dad and a super Big Sister to Baby Ava!

My boys are 2 years apart (TO THE DAY) and it’s always fun to see similar age differences with the children I photograph.  It is almost as if I have this little secret about how I know how the next 7 years will be for them raising 2 kids so close together.  And I smile.  Because you know what?  It is HARD!  But also…more importantly…it’s so wonderful.  Being a mom is such a struggle and such a JOY!  And I am so grateful to bear witness to families on this journey.  Even when they are already 2 and a half years in.  Everything changes all over again.

Life is funny like that.  It happens to us over and over again; LIFE.  We get used to things and then a big change happens.  Sometimes it is something we can control, but lots of times it’s not.  And we ride the wave and bend and break and adjust.

Here I go, on another one of my tangents.

Any how, here are some shots from our newborn session.  Isn’t Ava the sweetest little thing?


I love baby yawns!

Thank you Megan and Michael for choosing me to capture this very special time of your life!

NJ Newborn Photographer | Caden

How lucky am I that I get to do this for a living??? Believe me, there is not a day that goes by that I do not thank my lucky stars. And as a busy momma, I don’t get out much. Not even to see friends or family. So sometimes I get to see them when they book a session with me. Y’all don’t know how much that means to me; truly.

Caden is such a sweet, even tempered little baby. He was so good during our session (can a baby even be bad? Is that even a thing?). He let me pose him and cuddle him and snuggle. Fun Fact: I pretty much cry at some point during every newborn session I do. I am so overwhelmed by the beauty of all of it. Of life, of this new little being, these incredible, pure and innocent little souls. And I get to be with them during the most magical time of their lives (in my opinion).

And the moms (dads too of course), but the MOMS. My appreciation for and awe of women is immeasurable. I don’t know if it is because of my own experiences. I guess that must be part of it. But women…what we do. What we go through. The changes to our bodies, to our mind, to our emotions to our SOUL. We don’t come back from that. Once we go through pregnancy, we are forever changed. There’s no going back. Sure, this may be my opinion, but I feel it in my own soul. How lucky am I that I get to be with them, sit with them, hold their babies, at probably the most vulnerable time in their life. To listen to their stories of childbirth. Of fear, of strength, of sadness, of overwhelming love and joy. We are souls having a human experience and I feel that most when I am with a mom and her new baby.

So I may have gone off on a tangent there, but HI! My name is Joan Marie and it is a pleasure to meet you. This is me… and

THIS IS CADEN…and OWEN!!! Have you EVER?!? <3

joan marie

Scotch Plains, NJ 07076

908.312.1788 | info@joanmariephotography.com